
Status Konservasi : Least Concern (LC)
Status Perlindungan : Tidak Dilindungi (TD)

Catalogue / Fauna / Flora 

Pristolepis fasciata

Nama : Ikan Tempe/Mayan leaffish
Deskripsi : Ikan tempe memiliki bentuk tubuh yang besar dan lebar. Ikan tempe memiliki panjang tubuh sekitar 10-15 cm, tubuhnya berwarna cokelat, setiap sisik terdapat garis pinggiran hitam, pola warna hitam membentuk jala pada sirip ekor, ikan remaja mempunyai bercak pada bagian belakang pangkal sirip punggung.
Habitat : Ikan ini diketahui hidup di sungai besar dataran banjir hingga muara serta danau, kolam, dan rawa. Telah diamati bahwa ikan ini bertelur di habitat air tawar bagian hulu, kemudian bermigrasi ke bagian hilir dari juvenil hingga tumbuh menjadi dewasa kemudian bermigrasi kembali ke air tawar bagian hulu (potammodromous), bermigrasi dari Sungai ke dataran banjir selama banjir di musim hujan dan kembali ke sungai pada awal musim kemarau.
Sebaran :
Penyebaran spesies ini mulai dari Mekong, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra dan Borneo.

Legal Status
Law No. 5 of 1990 Concerning the Conservation of Biological Resources and their Ecosystems
Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 Regarding Protected Plant and Animal Species
IUCN Red List Status
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), or in Indonesian, Serikat Internasional Untuk Pelestarian Alam, makes decisions to determine the conservation status of a species or plant. The current categories of the IUCN Red List criteria include extinct (EX), extinct in the wild (EW), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU), near threatened (NT), least concern (LC), data deficient (DD), and not evaluated (NE).
The CITES List Status
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) , aims to restrict countries from trading protected flora and fauna or those with extremely limited numbers. The CITES status consists of appendices (attachments) numbered I-III. Appendix I is a list of flora and fauna that absolutely cannot be traded because they are critically endangered. Appendix II is a list of flora and fauna that can be traded, but their numbers are limited. Meanwhile, Appendix III is a list of flora and fauna that can be traded because they are abundant in one country but limited in another.
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Endemic Status
"Endemic species" can be defined as species that naturally and exclusively inhabit and highly adapt to a specific geographical area. Based on the size and boundaries of their territory, this status includes Endemic (E) and Non-Endemic (NE).
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