
Status Perlindungan : Dilindungi (D)
Konservasi : Vulnerable (VU)
Status Perdagangan : Apendiks I (AI)

Catalogue / Fauna / Flora 

Lutrogale perspicillata

Nama : Berang-berang Bulu Licin/Smooth Otter
Deskripsi : Kepala bulat, hidung berlian tanpa rambut. Rambut pendek, halus, licin dan mengkilap. Tubuh atas cokelat tua hingga kemerahan, bagian bawah cokelat muda hingga abu-abu. Tenggorokan dan leher sisi krem atau putih hingga dada atas. Ekor rata, kaki berselaput sampai persendian terakhir jari, kuat dengan cakar besar. Suara panggilan meliputi siulan, kicauan, dan ratapan dengan suara “wiuk”. Jantan dewasa memiliki penis menonjol, sedangkan betina dua pasang putting susu.
Habitat : Makanan meliputi ikan dan juga tikus, ular, amfibi serta serangga. Bersifat diurnal. Hidup berkelompok, beberapa individu mungkin bekerjasama ketika memancing, berenang dalam formasi semi-lingkaran atau membentuk garis bergelombang agak berbentuk V hampir selebar sungai dan menggiring ikan-ikan ke depan mereka kemudian menyelam dan menangkap ikan-ikan tersebut.
Sebaran : Tersebar mulai dari daratan utama Asia, meliputi India dan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sumatera.

Legal Status
Law No. 5 of 1990 Concerning the Conservation of Biological Resources and their Ecosystems
Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 Regarding Protected Plant and Animal Species
IUCN Red List Status
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), or in Indonesian, Serikat Internasional Untuk Pelestarian Alam, makes decisions to determine the conservation status of a species or plant. The current categories of the IUCN Red List criteria include extinct (EX), extinct in the wild (EW), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU), near threatened (NT), least concern (LC), data deficient (DD), and not evaluated (NE).
The CITES List Status
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) , aims to restrict countries from trading protected flora and fauna or those with extremely limited numbers. The CITES status consists of appendices (attachments) numbered I-III. Appendix I is a list of flora and fauna that absolutely cannot be traded because they are critically endangered. Appendix II is a list of flora and fauna that can be traded, but their numbers are limited. Meanwhile, Appendix III is a list of flora and fauna that can be traded because they are abundant in one country but limited in another.
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Endemic Status
"Endemic species" can be defined as species that naturally and exclusively inhabit and highly adapt to a specific geographical area. Based on the size and boundaries of their territory, this status includes Endemic (E) and Non-Endemic (NE).
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